Digital marketing things you can do without depending on any professional

While it is highly advisable that you hire a professional digital marketing agency, there’s a lot that you can do without professional guidance. You can start doing these before you can afford to hire professionals.

Of course, they are easy, but they must not be underestimated. Little things here and there, when done regularly, can massively help your business.

Get answering on Quora

We all know how Quora works, right? It is a simple question-answer platform. Why not use it to your business’s advantage? All you have to do is to start answering relevant questions about your niche.

There may be various questions that people want to be answered and you can step in to help.

This will increase your exposure, tell your target audience that you are good at what you do, and provide much-needed backlinks to your website.

Create a local business page

Google is all for helping your business thrive through local business pages. These pages literally put you on the map. People around you can search for you easily and get in touch with a click of the mouse.

A friend of mine did just that for his father’s business and within a couple of weeks, the footfalls to his clinic increased.

A simple exercise such as this, done just once, can reap rewards for years.

Get listed!

Just Dial, Bing, Yelp, LinkedIn, Whitepages, Chamber of Commerce, etc. are just a few of the many listings on which you can rely.

Numerous people still search for businesses through these listings and your presence on these will definitely help your business. You really don’t need an expert to help you with this.

Get your CRM in place

A CRM will take away the burden of numerous things from your shoulders, the first being data. Data is the most crucial aspect of a business, and many business owners realize this only after a few years. A customer resource management tool will keep track of every single enquiry and customer so that you optimize your targeting accordingly.

This will also help your business when you eventually hire a professional digital marketing firm to take over all online aspects because it will be easier for the experts to analyze the current business scenario.


Have a machine answer your calls and forward them to you as and when appropriate. More often than not, small business owners find themselves wasting a lot of time answering the phone. You can easily trust Knowlarity, Exotel, Freshdesk, or any other such service to handle your calls for you.

These portals may also help with your SMS campaigns so that you send promotional or informational SMSes to your customers.

There you have it. Start with these and get your business going. We can take care of the rest.

You aren’t asking for them!

Yes, that’s the simplest and the most common reason why many businesses do not have reviews. We must always remember that people are forgetful and may not voluntarily post a review even if they like your product/services.

We must also keep in mind that negativity has a knack for stealing the limelight. In other words, unhappy customers will be more than willing to defame you because they want you to know they are unhappy.

Happy customers, on the other hand, may need to be coaxed a little. So, you can simply ask them for it through a personalized email or directly. (Direct requests are always better.)

What else can one do to get online reviews?

  1. Make it simple for the user: Unless the customer is extremely pleased or just upset, he/she will not try to search for ways to leave a review. That’s why it is advisable that you make it very simple for them to review your services/products. Add a link to your email, for example, that directly leads them to the review page.
  2. Remind them to leave a review: As aforementioned, people tend to forget to leave reviews or many a time, it doesn’t even strike them to leave reviews. Reminding them to do so can help you massively. “Leave a review” hyperlinked in your email, or the order status will do the trick. Also, once a customer heeds your request, don’t ever forget to thank him/her personally. This will ensure that the customer remembers you for quite a long time.
  3. Give them an incentive: “Leave us a review and get 10% off on your next purchase!” Small incentives like these have helped many businesses get reviews from their customers. The icing on the cake is a subsequent purchase because they now have a voucher! Everyone loves discounts, and there’s no harm in using that to your advantage!
  4. Give your salespeople an incentive as well: Making reviews a part of the work process and rewarding your salespeople for every review they get will cause the number to skyrocket in no time! It is considerably easy, as well, for salespeople because they are constantly in touch with the customers and good salespeople build a bond or a relationship that goes miles in favor of the company and the customer.
  5. Be active and reply to reviews: Many customers leave online business reviews on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google. Making it a point to reply to every single review (including the negative ones) is a great practice. It shows that you are actually listening and that you actually care about your customers. When someone looks through your products/services, prompt responses will encourage them to make a purchase while also coaxing them to share their own views.

Keep in mind that it is totally possible for your emails and requests to be ignored. In fact, you can expect it to happen quite often. However, you mustn’t lose hope. Make it a process to request reviews every single time a purchase is made, or an order is completed so that your success rate increases. Body Rubs near me.